The ReFresh Program allows you to order an EXACT reprint of most numberplate background DeCals with a 40% discount off the original order cost. DeCal Works has innovated a cost-effective program to keep your numberplate backgrounds looking fresh all year long. We are aware of the damage that today’s racing boots and knee braces cause to the decals even after just one ride. Our ReFresh Program intends to keep your number plate DeCals looking new while racing on a budget.
ReFresh on EZ Series number plate decals are available with a 30% discount off the original order cost.
How it Works:
Once the original order for numberplate background DeCals has been submitted, the ReFresh Promo Code becomes available immediately and will last for 3 months. Customers may use the ReFresh Promo Code as often as needed within the 3 months. Each time a new order is placed, a new ReFresh Promo Code gets generated and the expiration date extends to 3 months from the time of purchase.